A Complete Guide to Whale Watching in Alaska

Alaska is a place of extremes, boasting 17 of the highest peaks in America, the third longest river, and 100,000 glaciers, so it’s not surprising that the world’s largest creatures also call this place home.
The state is one of the premier places to enjoy seeing whales at close quarters, and the best way to do this is on one of the whale tours offered along the Alaskan shoreline.
Are you curious to discover more about where, when, and how to see whales on the Last Frontier? Read our comprehensive guide to whale watching in Alaska and start planning your visit to this natural wonderland.
Why Choose Alaska for Whale Watching?
There are plenty of places to enjoy whale watching around the world, but few can equal the natural beauty of Alaska. This wild paradise provides the best backdrop for your whale-watching adventures, making it ideal for anyone who appreciates stunning scenery.
Looks aren’t everything, though; Alaska also has a few other things going for it when it comes to whale watching.
Whales Love Alaska
Alaska is pretty perfect from a whale’s perspective. It is the perfect playground for large marine mammals, with over 2,000 miles of coastline on the edge of the North Pacific.
These waters are dense with nutrients thanks to the Alaska Current and serve as a major feeding ground for marine animals. Thanks to this nutrient soup, many species of marine life flourish in the state’s waters.
Plankton, krill, and salmon abound, creating the ideal smorgasbord for whales, especially during the summer months. At this time, they migrate from their winter feeding grounds near Hawaii, Baja California, Central America, and Mexico to the cooler waters of Alaska.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is committed to conserving the state’s marine life. Coastal conservation areas, like Glacier National Park and Kenai Fjords National Park, help keep Alaska perfect for whales and whale-watching experiences.
Travelers Love Alaska, Too
Alaska is a fantastic destination for family travel, offering a range of family-friendly activities on land and sea, like dog-sledding, karting, museums, conservation centers, fishing, whale watching, and plenty of wide open spaces to explore.
The state is easily accessible, whether you’re arriving by plane or cruise ship, and it’s easy to hire a car and find excellent accommodations for your stay. These include:
City Hotels
In more developed areas, like Juneau and Anchorage, you’ll find many hotels to choose from. There are low-budget offerings as well as all-the-frills, five-star establishments located across the state.
Lodges and Resorts
Lodges and resorts offer some of the most comfortable and expensive all-inclusive accommodations in Alaska. You’re sure to find just what you’re looking for, whether it’s a basic room or a super-luxurious and exclusive experience.
Cabins and Self-Catering Accommodations
Do you like the freedom and cost-savings offered by self-catering accommodation? Alaska offers many roadside lodges, resorts, and backpackers where you can come, go, and dine as you please.
Roadside Adventure Lodges
These lodges serve as stopping points on the way to Alaska’s wonderful national parks from major centers. They’re all located close to the main thoroughfares and offer comfortable overnight accommodations.
Specialty Lodges
Specialty lodges are area-specific and cater to people who are in Alaska to enjoy particular activities. Remote bear-watching lodges increase your chances of seeing these large animals and other wildlife.
Photography outfits help you capture Alaska’s beauty most effectively, and fishing lodges help you make the most of this angler’s paradise.
Bed and Breakfasts
Bed and breakfast accommodation offers a more personalized stay. The added benefit of this accommodation is that you’ll learn a lot about Alaska from your friendly hosts.
RV Parks and Campgrounds
Camping and RVing offer the flexibility you need when you’re visiting Alaska for sightseeing. You’ll find many RV parks and campgrounds along the way to ensure you make the most of it.
About Whales in Alaska
Humanity has hunted whales for centuries to harvest their meat, blubber, skins, and bones. At first, these activities had little impact on whale populations, but the advent of motorized ships soon put an end to that.
For nearly 400 years, whalers plundered the seas, killing whales indiscriminately and reducing some populations by as much as 90%. Due to this mass destruction, most countries declared a moratorium on whaling in 1986.
Since then, whale populations have slowly started to recover, although they still face pressure from commercial fishing and habitat destruction.
In Alaska, the Inupiat and Siberian Yupik people of western and northern Alaska are allowed to continue their traditional whale harvests undisturbed, as these have little impact on whale populations and are an important part of their traditional lifestyle.
Although whale-watching activities have contributed to conservation by helping to draw attention to the plight of whales, there are some concerns about whether boating activity affects them negatively. While scientists attempt to unravel this mystery, it’s vital to follow established guidelines for these seafaring activities.
How To Choose a Whale-Watching Tour
While whales are abundant in Alaska during the peak viewing season, you’ll greatly benefit from expert help during your attempts to view them. Joining a guided tour or booking a boat charter are the best ways to spot whales and also learn insights into their behavior and biology, as well as the need to conserve them.
With the right guidance, you’re bound to enjoy unforgettable whale-watching experiences during your time in Alaska. These are the things to consider when choosing the perfect partner for your adventure:
Type of Vessel
When deciding on a whale tour, you can choose from small boats for a personalized experience or a large boat for added stability on choppy waters.
Many passengers on board cruise ships have reported whale sightings while onboard, too, but this is a bonus rather than a guarantee while cruising.
Tour Length
Since whales are active all day, tours may last from a couple of hours on the water to full-day excursions. Be sure to keep any time constraints in mind when booking your tour; you want to enjoy a relaxed experience without having to worry about rushing back to shore.
Guide Expertise
Well-informed and experienced guides make your trip all the more informative and successful. Their expertise makes it easier to find whales, and their knowledge adds extra interest to the trip.
Ask tour operators about their commitment to responsible whale watching. Reputable operators always put the animals first and follow all the guidelines suggested for creating the least disturbance to them.
Group Size
The smaller the group, the more personalized your experience will be. You’ll also enjoy better sightings without crowds to compete with, as well as more chances to interact with the guide and ask questions.
Your Budget
Whale tours can get expensive, but that’s not to say a more affordable option won’t suit you. Great reviews, safety, and good customer service are more important than prices, be they high or low.
Finally, researching the area you’ll be visiting as well as the resident whale species will help you make the most of your outing.
Alaskan Whale Species
An abundance of food, cool summer waters, and relatively few disturbances make Alaska a haven for many species of whales. These are the types of whales that visit Alaska as they migrate around the world:
Humpback Whales
Humpback whales are the stars of the show, known for their acrobatics during whale-watching activities. Over 10,000 humpback whales make the 3,000-mile trip from Hawaii every year to reach the rich feeding grounds around Glacier Bay and Juneau.
They are a type of Baleen whale and have an easily recognizable body shape with a small head and curved midsection. Humpback whales weigh up to 40 tons and are usually 60 feet long.
Humpback whales are particularly vocal, and the male’s song can last up to 30 minutes.
These are the largest species of dolphin, falling under the broader classification of toothed whales. Other species of Alaskan toothed whales include narwhals, beluga whales, and sperm whales.
Orcas hunt and eat a large variety of marine animals, including fish, sea lions, seals, walruses, squid, sea turtles, sharks, penguins, and whales. They are among the ocean’s most intelligent creatures and are easily able to outwit most of their prey species.
Orcas hunt in Alaska’s bays and inlets year-round and may team up with other members of their kin to hunt large species, including the occasional humpback whale.
Most people are familiar with these black and white dolphins thanks to the animal shows at SeaWorld or through movies like Free Willy.
Minke Whales
Minke whales are the smallest, fastest, and most agile of the baleen whales. They can weigh up to 25,000 pounds and grow up to 35 feet long.
Sightings of minke whales are uncommon in Alaska, so you’re lucky if you get to spot one emerging from the ocean snout-first for a closer look at your boat.
They don’t raise their flukes out of the water when diving and travel with quick fluid movements. Another vocal species, Minke whales, communicate with a series of grunts, clicks, ratchets, pulse trains, thumps, and “boing’ sounds.
Minke whales are abundant worldwide, but they still enjoy protected status under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
Beluga Whales
Small, white, and vocal, with a large head, these beautiful creatures are common visitors to Alaskan waters. Beluga whales are most often spotted near the Cook Inlet, Bristol Bay, the eastern Chukchi and Bering Seas, and the Beaufort Sea.
The Beluga Whale and Narwhal are the sole members of the family Monodontidae, meaning ‘single-tooth’ and referring to the narwhal’s single tusk. The Beluga whale also has fewer teeth than other toothed whales. They grow to about 18 feet long and weigh around 3,500 lbs.
Beluga whales subsist on a diet of salmon, cod, rose fish, and halibut.
Gray Whales
Gray whales have attractive marbled gray coloring, a small, narrow head, and a distinct arch between their snout and their blowhole.
Their bodies are large with small, paddle-shaped flippers and a low hump instead of a dorsal fin. They often have many barnacles attached to their heads and bodies.
These whales travel the exceptionally long distance (11,000 miles) between Baja California and the Bering Sea every year, making their way past Alaska.
Gray whales are baleen whales and can grow up to 49 feet long and weigh as much as 99,000 lbs. They forage for clams, worms, and crustaceans on the bottom of the ocean floor.
Fin Whales
In terms of size, fin whales are second only to the blue whale, tipping the scales at 99,000 pounds and growing up to 88 feet long. Due to their large size, the best place to see them is in the deep waters of Alaska’s oceans.
Fin whales are a friendly species and will often approach boats out of curiosity. If you see one during your whale-watching trip, you’ll notice the fin toward the back of the body that gives it its name.
Fin whales are fast-swimming baleen whales with sleek, streamlined bodies and V-shaped heads. They eat up to 2 tons of krill, small fish, and squid every day.
Rarely-Seen Whales in Alaska
Apart from the above relatively common species, you might be privileged enough to spot some of Alaska’s less frequent visitors on your whale-watching excursion. These rare beasts include:
Blue Whales
Blue whales are a type of baleen whale, amazingly sustaining their huge 98-foot bodies on a diet of krill. Not only are blue whales the largest creatures on earth, but scientists believe that they are the biggest lifeforms to ever exist.
Their long, lean bodies can weigh up to 199 tons, and they can only survive in the deepest waters. Seeing a blue whale in real life is considered a huge stroke of luck.
Sperm Whales
Sperm whales are elusive, endangered, and live in water that’s thousands of meters deep. They can stay underwater for up to two hours at a time and travel many miles in one dive.
So, while sperm whales are present in Alaskan waters, they’re very rarely seen close to the coast.
These are the largest of the toothed whales and live mainly off of squid. They grow up to 49 feet long and can weigh as much as 18 tons. Sperm whales have the largest brains of any creature that has ever lived on Earth.
Narwhals are well known for the long tusk on the front of their heads, which can be as much as 9 feet long. This protrusion is one of just two teeth that this monodontid has. The other one remains unerupted in the whale’s skull.
Only male narwhals bear a tusk, and the females’ teeth very rarely emerge from their skulls. Narwhals survive by swallowing large fish whole, as there are no teeth inside their mouths.
On average, narwhals grow to about 17 feet long and can weigh up to 2 tons. On rare occasions, vagrant narwhals have been spotted as far south as the Alaskan peninsula.

The Best Time for Whale Watching in Alaska
The timing of your visit makes all the difference in how much you’ll enjoy your visit to Alaska. The whale-watching season spans the months of late April to early October, with most whales spotted during May and September.
During the warm summer months, fish are abundant in the waters off the Alaska coast, which attracts whales from far and wide. Extended daylight hours at these times also allow you to make the most of your travels to this unique destination.
If you want to include fishing as part of your travels to Alaska, August is a good time for fishing in Alaska, and you can get to see whales at the same time.
Different species also travel past Alaska at different times of the year, and different areas are better for sighting various species.
August is the best time to see humpback whales; many other species arrive a lot earlier. You can spot gray whales as early as April and May in the Ketchikan, Sitka, Seward, and Kodiak areas, while fin whales and orcas are around from May to June.
In the Gulf of Alaska, you can go searching for blue whales from July to August and sperm whales from May through September. From May to August, Beluga whales are sometimes spotted at the Cook inlet outside Anchorage, and Minke whales may make an appearance in the Bering Sea, the waters of Southeast Alaska, or in the Bering Sea.
Like all wild animals, whale movements are unpredictable, so there is no guarantee that you’ll see them at the designated times or usual places. Whales are active throughout the day, so you don’t need to worry about booking a specific time for your whale-watching jaunt.
The Best Places to Watch Whales in Alaska
With over 6,600 miles of coastline, Alaska is an ideal destination for viewing marine creatures, but this vast expanse can make it difficult to choose a suitable whale-watching spot.
Fortunately, experienced local tour operators have set up shop in all the best places for thrilling whale sightings. These are the top spots for viewing whales in Alaska:
The Inside Passage
Alaska’s Inside Passage was shaped by massive glaciers millions of years ago. It stretches for 500 miles along the Pacific Ocean and is a wonderland of natural attractions.
Here, lush vegetation, fjords filled with wildlife, tidewater glaciers, and enthralling cities are a treat for travelers from around the world. The magnificent Tongass National Forest, the largest temperate rainforest in the world, sprawls across the majority of the Inside Passage.
It’s the world’s most popular route for cruise ships departing from the U.S. and is awash with vibrant cultural experiences and outdoor activities, including outstanding whale-watching activities.
During peak season, around 600 humpback whales occupy the Inside Passage, and many tour operators guarantee whale sightings at this time.
The water along this stretch is calm and almost entirely free of waves, making this the perfect whale-watching destination for children and people who experience seasickness.
Some notable locations along this stretch include Juneau and Glacier Bay National Park Preserve, which are both outstanding whale-watching destinations on their own.
Juneau is known as the whale-watching capital and one of the best fishing destinations in Alaska, for good reason. The rich waters of the Inside Passage are irresistible to marine creatures, great and small, and this smorgasbord lures whales so close to land that you can see them from the shore.
Visitors to Juneau can watch humpback whales, beluga whales, and orcas from many vantage points across the city, and you will also find a dizzying array of whale tours to choose from in the city.
In July and August, the humpback whales engage in a bizarre activity called ‘bubble net feeding‘. This activity involves a pod of whales surrounding a school of small fish and blowing bubbles in a circle around them.
The fish won’t cross this bubbly barrier. Once they’ve got the ball rolling, the whales leap out of the water and dive into the center of the frenzy for a fishy feast.
Apart from whale-watching tours, Juneau offers many other ways to celebrate and enjoy whales during your stay. You can visit nearby Auke Bay to see whales congregating in its many coves or spot some land-based Alaskan wildlife and birds.
You can settle down with a picnic on the beach at Point Lousia Park and Sandy Beach and watch whales from the shore, or join in one of the jovial annual festivals celebrating whales.
Juneau offers many ways for nature lovers to keep themselves occupied during their time in Alaska. Being a major city, Juneau offers every kind of accommodation you could desire, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, and backpackers.
Juneau is easily accessible to visitors via air and sea, with direct flights from Seattle and Vancouver.
Pros and Cons of Whale Watching in Juneau
The biggest drawback associated with Juneau is its popularity. Many visitors flock here every year to enjoy whale watching, fishing, and outdoor adventures, so it can get crowded at times.
The benefits of visiting Juneau include an excellent choice of activities, a wealth of experienced and conservation-minded tour operators, and plenty of whales to admire.
Glacier Bay National Park
Glacier Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized for its large non-polar icefield, towering mountains, many glaciers, and rugged beauty. It’s filled with 71 mammal species, including grizzly bears, black bears, mountain goats, pikas, and bighorn sheep.
The park has over 700 miles of walking and hiking trails dotted with historic chalets, lodges, and the famous Going-to-the-Sun Road. This 50-mile route crosses the Continental Divide at Logan Pass, showcasing breathtaking valleys, tumbling waterfalls, huge craggy mountains, impressive glaciers, and brilliant wildflowers.
The most common way to see whales in these pristine waters is on an Alaskan cruise, where you’re bound to see humpback whales. You can also join ranger-led courses in the park that describe the importance of marine conservation in interesting detail.
Pros and Cons of Whale-Watching at Glacier National Park
A trip to Glacier National Park is an excellent way to explore Alaska’s natural abundance. However, whale-watching opportunities are limited to cruises, and you’ll need to arrange a permit to enter the park any other way.
Its remote location can be cumbersome when planning your travels.
Seward is a charming harbor town surrounded by mountains, water, and interesting activities. It’s home to the Alaska SeaLife Center and provides access to the lovely Kenai Fjords National Park.
The town is at the hub of the Seward Highway and the Alaska Railway and is a popular port of call for sea cruises. As such, it has a touristy vibe and boasts many quaint shops and restaurants.
Seward is a great base for lovers of hiking, fishing, kayaking, and whale watching. You can expect to see humpback whales, orcas, puffins, sea lions, and other marine creatures during seabound voyages from this port.
Pros and Cons of Whale Watching in Seward
Seward is a stunningly beautiful place and easily accessible from Anchorage, but the weather can be unpredictable with long bouts of fog and rain.
Severe weather incidents can mean your plans end up being canceled, so it’s a gamble to book tours and excursions from Seward. If you don’t like crowds, it’s best to steer clear of Seward during peak season.
Resurrection Bay
Resurrection Bay is an exciting destination for anglers in search of king and silver salmon, as well as halibut. It’s about 2.5 hours south of Anchorage and just south of Seward. This fjord attracts a variety of whale species, like grey whales, orcas, fin whales, minke whales, and humpback whales.
You can enjoy sightings of these and other marine creatures, like Pacific white-sided dolphins, Dall’s porpoises, and Harbor porpoises, against a backdrop of glaciers and steep mountains. Harbor seals, seabirds, and sea otters are other common sightings in this part of Alaska.
Pros and Cons of Whale Watching at Resurrection Bay
Resurrection Bay is easily accessible via boat from Seward or by road from Anchorage. It offers good opportunities for seeing whales, and the scenery is particularly attractive in this part of Alaska.
Unfortunately, these benefits can attract crowds of tourists during the peak season, and the weather is unpredictable, which can put a damper on your experiences.
Kenai Fjords National Park
Kenai Fjords National Park is a haven for humpback whales and orcas, along with many other marine species. Thanks to its strong commitment to conservation, you can expect to see these creatures exhibit many natural feeding behaviors undisturbed.
You can also enjoy ranger-led boat trips for educational insights into the secret lives of marine mammals.
Pros and Cons of Whale Watching at Kenai Fjords National Park
There is a high likelihood of seeing orcas and humpback whales during boat trips around the park, but its limited accessibility can make your trip a little longer.
You can only access this destination by boat from Seward.
Prince William Sound
Prince William Sound is a huge natural playground of dense temperate forests along a rugged coastline. It encompasses 10,000 square miles of protected islands, fjords, and waterways. There are about 150 glaciers in the area.
It’s a pristine habitat for humpback whales and orcas, along with sea otters, sea lions, seals, and porpoises. Black bears, mountain goats, moose, Dall sheep, and brown bears are some of the 30 species of land animals found here.
Other significant conservation areas near Prince William Sound include Chugach National Forest and State Marine Park.
Cordova, Whittier, and Valdez are major towns in the area that serve as gateways to the delights of Prince William Sound. You can embark on fishing, wildlife, and whale-viewing trips from these small towns.
Whittier and Valdez offer tours out to the face of the tidewater glaciers that often yield sightings of orcas, gray whales, and humpback whales. You can also view these magnificent mammals on guided kayak tours near the shore.
Pros and Cons of Whale Watching in Prince William Sound
The calm waters of Prince William Sound make it easier to spot whales, but unpredictable, foggy weather can wreak havoc with your plans.
Whittier and Valdez are on the Alaska Marine Highway ferry system and accessible by road, but they’re relatively unknown destinations, ensuring you enjoy crowd-free experiences when you visit here.
Each of the towns provides a unique perspective on the natural beauty of the Sound, so it is worth taking more than one whale-watching trip while you’re in the area.
Turnagain Arm (Anchorage)
Alaska’s Turnagain Arm is famous for its spectacular views and for having one of the largest bore tides in the world. These surges occur about once a day when an outgoing low tide meets the incoming high tide and can cause waves up to 10- feet high and travel at speeds up to 15 mph.
This incredible phenomenon makes the area unsuitable for large whale species, although large pods of gray and humpback whales do congregate in the nearby deeper waters between May and August. You’ll need to go out on a guided kayak tour or charter boat to see these whales.
While viewing these common Alaska species is a little complicated, Turnagain Arm offers an easy way to see Beluga whales from the shore. You can stop off along the Seward Highway, which flanks the Turnagain Arm, for a chance to see these beautiful white whales as they travel with the tides.
You might even be lucky enough to hear their unique whale songs as they pass by.
The top spots for seeing Beluga whales are Beluga Point and Bird Point Wayside.
Pros and Cons of Whale Watching at Turnagain Arm
Beluga whales are a highlight of a trip to this area during July and August, and this is an excellent destination for a road trip from Anchorage.
There’s a high chance of rain when visiting Turnagain Arm, and there’s not a great diversity of species to see, but its easy accessibility, bore tide, and Beluga whales make a trip to this area worthwhile if you’re spending time in Anchorage.
What to Expect While Whale-Watching
First-time whale watchers might have many questions before embarking on a whale-watching excursion, but you can rest assured that these trips take place with the safety of both guests and marine creatures in mind.
During your trip, you can expect to approach no closer than 100 yards from these animals, so they can continue their natural behavior undisturbed. You might see some of the following displays while watching from this distance:
Whales are mammals and cannot breathe underwater. They must surface to draw air into their lungs.
When they do, they usually expel volumes of air and water through their blowhole, which creates an amazing fountain-like effect.
Fluke Dive
After taking a breath, most whales dive back under the surface. They may do this with an elaborate flick of their tail fin, or fluke, as they dive.
Whale calls usually happen beneath the surface of the water, but you can hear them from above. Each species of whale has its own language, vernacular, and regional dialect.
Breaching is the highlight of any whale-watching trip. It’s a favorite activity of humpback whales, who love to leap more than halfway out of the water and come down with a great splash.
Spyhopping is a rare activity. It happens when the whales pop their heads out of the water to get a better look at their surroundings.
Sometimes curious creatures may approach the boats, but the operators will do their best to keep a distance. If a whale emerges unannounced next to a boat, the skipper will simply wait for it to leave before moving off.
Although seeing the whales is a highlight, you should also take time to admire Alaska’s incredible scenery to make the most of your whale-watching trip.
Packing List for Whale Watching in Alaska
Alaska offers unique vacation experiences, but packing for your trip isn’t any more complicated than leaving on a regular outdoor vacation. These are our recommendations when packing for your travels for whale-watching in Alaska:
Casual Clothes
There’s no need to dress up for dinner at most places in Alaska. Alaskans have a casual outdoor culture, and most restaurants welcome patrons in casual dress.
A warm, windproof, and waterproof jacket is essential to any traveler’s packing list, but the main thing to remember is to pack comfortable clothes so you can enjoy Alaska’s many outdoor activities uninhibited by restrictive clothing.
A good pair of walking shoes is essential, and waterproof boots with a good grip are a good idea for whale-watching activities as seawater can splash on board.
Remember, the weather in Alaska can be unpredictable, so it’s best to dress in layers. Always check local weather channels before heading out for the day.
Sun Protection
While most people perceive Alaska as a cold, dark, and snowy place, the summer months bring up to 22 hours of continuous daylight. There is a risk of sunburn from UV rays at this time (June to August), so it’s important to wear sun protection and a hat for all summer activities in Alaska.
Binoculars and a Camera
A camera with a good zoom lens is ideal for capturing once-in-a-lifetime whale sightings, and binoculars can help you spot your target much faster. If you don’t have a fancy camera, you’ll be fine with your cellphone, but be sure to bring a harness for it so you don’t drop it overboard.
Waterproof covers are essential for all water-focused activities in Alaska.
Don’t forget to stock up on memory cards to contain all your shots, and be sure to charge your camera and phone frequently to avoid disappointment. You do need a special adaptor to charge your phone in Alaska; you can use your regular cell phone charger.
If you are a US citizen, you can use your phone in Alaska without incurring additional charges. Be sure to check that your carrier has coverage in Alaska before you leave.
Snacks and Water
Check whether your tour operator provides refreshments during your boat trip. If not, you’d be wise to take some snacks along, especially if you’ve booked one of the longer trips.
A reusable water bottle is an excellent way to stay hydrated throughout your Alaska travels without contributing to plastic waste. If you’re prone to seasickness, be sure to bring some seasickness tablets along just in case.
Identification and Tour Tickets
Remember to take your tickets along when you arrive for your whale-watching tour. You may need your ID to confirm your reservation, too.
The Best Whale-Watching and Fishing Adventures in Alaska
Alaska, or ‘Alyeska’, means ‘great land’ in the local Aleut language, and you’re bound to agree when you arrive here to experience its natural grandeur in person. This beautiful place has so much to offer outdoor-loving vacationers.
Adventures in Alaska would love to help you explore the loveliness of our country while fishing or whale watching in Alaska. We offer a range of excursions in the wonderful area of Juneau, where you can get to explore the best that Alaska has to offer.
Our exclusive and affordable whale tours are the best way to enjoy Alaska’s humpbacked whales among friends. Be sure to include us in your itinerary when planning your Alaska vacation.